
Come to one of our events and get involved
Aug 2019
Auckland Free Event

First season in Antarctica, stories from young…

Auckland Antarctic Science MeetUp

6pm Thurs 1 August 2019


  • Rose Foster, 26
  • Marco de Kretser, 18

Two young Kiwi science students share powerful anecdotes and life changing experiences, from their respective first seasons in Antarctica last summer.

Aug 2019
Free Event Wellington

Antarctic Family Day in Wellington

NZ Antarctic Society with NIWA, Victoria & Canterbury Universities

11am – 3pm, Sat 10 August 2019

  • Led by Dr Natalie Robinson, marine physicist, NIWA
  • with more than 20 other Antarctic experts!

Drop in to Miramar Central School Hall anytime between 11 am and 3 pm to ask your questions of more than twenty NZ Antarctic experts, representing NIWA, Victoria University of Wellington, and Canterbury University! This is a kid-friendly day where you can participate in hands-on activities, and listen to short talks on a range of topics. You can put up a polar tent, try on real Antarctic clothing, read climate from a seafloor sediment core, and see a real desiccated penguin!

Aug 2019
Auckland Free Event

Aurora australis – the science of the…

Auckland Antarctic Science MeetUp

6pm Thurs 29 August 2019

  • Professor Craig Rodger, space weather scientist, University of Otago
  • Jonny Harrison, Winter Leader, Scott Base, Antarctica New Zealand (live via satellite)

Aurora are one of nature’s wonders, caused by processes which start on the Sun 150 million km from Earth. How do these magnificent displays form in the polar night sky? Learn the science behind the aurora, and check out what’s happening in the skies above Scott Base, as we cross live to Antarctica.

Jun 2019
Canterbury Concert

Canterbury Mid Winter Event

Canterbury Antarcticans

Mid Winter Event

June 29, 2019

Jun 2019
Free Event Special Event Wellington

Mid-Winter Antarctic Celebration

On behalf of the Wellington Branch of the NZ Antarctic Society the Chair and Committee have pleasure in inviting you and your family to join us in celebrating Mid Winter 2019.

May 2019

This talk is designed to satisfy the curiosity of Antarcticans about the work of an interloper in their domain – a person with the audacity suggest that their motivation as individuals, and their behaviour in isolated groups, might be as crucial to successful outcomes as many of the other factors with which they have to contend.

Mar 2019
Talk Wellington

Fresh Off the Ice

This is our first Wellington-based event of the year, with four talks from last season’s research on sea ice formation, the crustal transition between East and West Antarctica, in support of the new Ross Sea Marine Protected Area, and first deep-sea drilling in the Amundsen Sea region of West Antarctica. We’ll conclude with a 10 minute overview of Antarctic drilling produced after last year’s Ross Sea drilling.

Feb 2019
Auckland Talk

Secrets of the Antarctic Ice Sheet

How the Antarctic Ice Sheet formed, then waxed and waned over the last 30 million years – secrets revealed from the drilling programs, 1973 to today.

Mar 2019
Canterbury Talk

Subantarctic Islands – Perspectives

Sentinels in the Southern Ocean, the Subantarctic Islands are the stage ships wrecks and despair, exploration and life in new lands that are rich in biodiverisity above and below the sea.

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