Download New Zealand Antarctic Society Strategic Plan 2023 – 2032 January 2023
In February 2022 a Strategy Subcommittee was formed to review the strategies for the New Zealand Antarctic Society. It became apparent that the directions and strategies required a 10- year horizon, rather than the three years that were initially envisaged, so that it could provide the Society with a truly strategic direction, which is documented in this strategic plan.
Once this plan is adopted by the Society’s members, the initiatives will be prioritised and set out against a timeline, with a focus on the next three years. Every three years a review will take place.
This plan’s finer details may change with its implementation, but its direction and broad strategies are less likely to change.
Several consultations and presentations were conducted to develop this strategic plan. It included a survey of members and non-members in April / May 2022, a presentation to and discussion with the Council in June 2022, a presentation to and discussion with the existing members of all subcommittees, the presentation of the directions and broad strategies at the AGM in September 2022, a further survey of members in October 2022 to refine strategies and request initiatives for services and proposals for the development of the organisation, and then circulation for feedback of the proposed Strategic Plan to the Council in January 2023.
It is imperative to the success of the implementation of this Strategic Plan that all members who can, support its implementation by being actively involved, either by being part of a working group, subcommittee or by providing their time, feedback and ideas when required.
The Strategic Planning Subcommittee would like to thank all involved with developing this plan, which will shape the future of the Society.
Hubertien Wichers
Chair, Strategic Planning Subcommittee, New Zealand Antarctic Society
The Society adopted its Strategic Plan 2023-2032 in February 2023, and the work on its implementation has started. You’ll find a range of exciting opportunities to help expand our activities by being part of Subcommittees, Working groups or in another capacity as you wish.
We invite both members and non-members to complete a five minute survey below. This will provide us with an indication of areas where you’d enjoy helping the Society and meeting like-minded people.