Time: 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Hunter Common Room, Hunter Building,
Gate 2 Victoria University of Wellington
On behalf of the Wellington Branch of the NZ Antarctic Society the Chair and Committee have pleasure in inviting you and your family to join us in celebrating Mid Winter 2018.
The Mid Winter Reception is a major annual event in our calendar and we invite all diplomats from Antarctic Treaty signatory nations to join with us in celebrating the occasion.
The event includes four toasts (Loyal Toast, Past Parties, Present Parties, Treaty Nations) to recognise the occasion. For this we are joined by an audio link with the Winter Over Team at Scott Base.
The reception is a relaxed and enjoyable way to meet fellow Antarcticans and members of the diplomatic community. We enjoy seeing a good turnout for this significant social occasion on our Branch calendar so please plan to be there!
RSVP by Monday 11th June 2018 to [email protected]
Cost: $25 per person.
Payment options:
- Direct credit the Wellington Branch Westpac Lambton Quay account (03-0502-0116812-00) with your surname in the reference box (preferred)
- Cash/cheque to Treasurer Fred Davey on the night
Enquiries: Peter Morten, Secretary 021 143 4979