New Zealand’s role in the Antarctic region in coming decades

Date: 21 Sep 2017 - 21 Sep 2017
Time: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Government Buildings LT01, Pipitea Campus, Victoria University of Wellington


Amy Laurenson, Manager, Antarctic & Southern Ocean Unit, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Wellington



In the coming decades we expect to see greater international interest in Antarctica because of its role in global climate and the unique opportunities it offers for science.  Is the international system well-equipped to respond to increased demand for access to Antarctica from National Antarctic Programmes, scientists and tourists?  How well placed is New Zealand to protect our interests in Antarctica? How are we maximising awareness of Antarctica’s critical role in global science and the important work New Zealand is doing?  Amy will engage on these questions and more in an interactive dialogue.


Biographical note

Amy is the Manager of the Antarctic & Southern Ocean Unit in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. She is currently New Zealand’s Commissioner to the International Whaling Commission, the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) and heads New Zealand’s delegation to the annual Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting. She has served two terms in the Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs as a foreign policy adviser and has worked in the Ministry’s legal division on international fisheries and environment law. Amy has also served at New Zealand’s embassies in Switzerland (United Nations) and Mexico.


Contact: Peter Barrett, Antarctic Research Centre, VUW [email protected]


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