Time: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Government Buildings LT01, Pipitea Campus, Victoria University of Wellington.
Professor Tim Naish
The Sir Holmes Miller Memorial Lecture 2017 is by Professor Tim Naish, a Professor in Earth Sciences, who expands on the invited lecture he gave for SCAR to the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting in Beijing last May. He concludes with two possible futures for Antarctica.
In Paris in December 2015, 196 nations agreed to keep global warming to less than 2°C above the pre-industrial average – considered by scientists to be the safe guardrail for our planet’s climate. What will the success or failure of this historic agreement mean for Antarctica’s physical and biological systems? Are there thresholds in the Antarctic part of the Earth System that could have wide-reaching and long-lasting consequences for humanity? These questions are driving international research directions. Tim will report on new knowledge and future research priorities, concluding with an outline of two possible futures for Antarctics.
Biographical note
Tim Naish is a Professor in Earth Sciences and was Director, Antarctic Research Centre at Victoria University of Wellington from 2008-17. He works on past, present and future climate change with a focus on the Antarctic ice sheet contribution to global sea-level rise. He has been on 14 Antarctic expeditions and helped found ANDRILL, a $40M international Antarctic Geological Drilling Program. Tim is co-chief officer of the SCAR Past Antarctic Ice Sheet strategic research programme, and was a Lead Author on the IPCC 5th Assessment Report. Tim and colleagues recently received an $8 million MBIE grant for developing estimates of future sea level rise for our coastal regions. He has received the New Zealand Antarctic Medal, the Martha Muse Prize for Antarctic Science and Policy, and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand.
Peter Barrett, Antarctic Research Centre, VUW Email: [email protected]