Call to Action:

What can I do to help slow climate change?

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Solar Panels
Put grid-tied solar panels on your roof (min 5kw) with battery back-up - if you can afford it

This will help decrease the dependence on electricity generated from fossil fuels, plus provide your own electricity and greater resilience should the network be impacted by weather or other events.

Solar panels, essentially, “crowdsource” electricity and ensure there is sufficient capacity in the grid when there is insufficient water for hydro, wind to propel turbines and gas stocks are low – as has been the case in August 2024.

See: Energy Crisis, How to save money as residential users face power price spike.  New Zealand Herald 9th August 2024

Heat Pumps
Install heat pumps for your heating and cooling

These are very efficient in terms of electricity. If these are teamed up with solar panels you could, in effect, have very cheap heating and cooling.

Image Credit: Unsplash

Getting out and about?

Electric Vehicles

If you have a plug-in electric-vehicle (EV) of any kind, ensure that you have enough solar panels to cover the charging of it, and charge it during the day. Charging overnight runs the risk of using fossil-fuelled generation to charge your vehicle – at the very least charging it during the day with solar will not divert renewable resources off the national grid which could be used elsewhere.

Planning a holiday?

If you go overseas for an annual holiday – go every second year instead. Air travel emits hydrocarbon exhaust directly into the (upper) atmosphere – help decrease this form of emissions.

Slow down

Drive a bit slower. Driving at 80kph will save more than 20% fuel than driving at 100 kph on the open road and only add about 10% of time on the journey (your average speed is actually not that different).

Driver technique and vehicle maintenance (tyre pressures, etc) also effects fuel consumption considerably – learn how to drive efficiently.

For more information, see NZTA Time and Fuel effects of different travel speeds

Downsize your vehicle

Downsize your petrol or diesel vehicle, which will use less fuel.

Alternatively, sell your vehicles (fossil or lithium fuelled) and use public transport or a bike.

Public Transport

Carpool or ‘carshare’ with workmates, neighbours, friends, family.

Use existing public transport wherever possible.


Walk or bike to work/school, instead of using a/any vehicle.

Have a walking bus to bring your children to school, sports and other events.


Bike one, two or three days a week instead of using a vehicle.

Cycle Gears

Image Credit: Unsplash

Home and Garden
Tips for around the house

  • Invest in green technology, upgrade your home and business accordingly.
  • When buying anything, buy only products with recyclable or sustainable packaging.
  • Try food rescue apps like Foodprint or shopping apps like Appetise or food swop apps like Magic Beans or food growing apps like Gardenate or a recycling app.
  • Lobby your local politicians.
  • Recycle all materials that can be recycled, reduce use of plastic wherever you can.
  • Buy second hand where possible – including and especially houses!
  • Paint the roof of your house white – it helps reflect the solar radiation from the sun back out into space – and offsets all the dark that has been introduced by roading and other buildings, which absorbs that heat from the sun.
  • Install a rainwater tank on your house where you can, at least for watering the garden, but if you can make it for drinking and washing, then all the better.
  • Have one more vegetarian meal a week, instead of meat.
  • Eat seasonally – that is, food that is grown at this time of the year.
  • Use less commercial energy of all forms – electricity, gas, oil, petrol, etc.
  • Use every product sparingly, food included.
  • Keep products as long as you possible can, especially technology and clothing.
  • Become aware of ‘greenwash’.
  • Plant more trees, don’t remove trees or sustainable forest.

  • Become adaptable, collaborative and more resilient, we will come through this.
  • Ensure your home is safe from flooding and coastal erosion.
  • Register to vote and use your vote to support the best outcome for the planet.
  • Become pet-free.
  • Boil only the water you need.

Leafy Greens in Vegetable Garden

Image Credit: Unsplash