Time: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Room 106-100 BLT100 Lecture Theatre
University of Auckland, Biology Building
5 Symonds Street
Auckland Central 1010
With research that ranges from biogeographic frameworks; human activity and impacts; species modelling; to the interactive visualisations of the continent, the core aspect of his research has been to support the more effective and timely management of Antarctica through the Antarctic Treaty system. In this talk, Fraser will cover the variety of research he has undertaken over the last 15 plus years in Antarctica. He will also highlight the importance of Science within the Antarctic Treaty system and vice versa.
Join us at Auckland University for this presentation. At the conclusion there will be a short AGM
for the NZ Antarctic Society members that remain.
Click here to download flyer for this event
RSVP: The Secretary: email: [email protected] or Ph/txt Roger McGarry (0274) 373 404